Unió de Pagesos, l'Associació de Naturalistes de Girona i Salvem Vilablareix Rural denuncien irregularitats en la construcció de la nova ciutat esportiva del club
They have not even began construction due to burocratic problems and farmers oposition.
There has never been a single Girona to City player promotion ever. It’s always the other way around where a City academy player or CFG affiliate club player gets sent to Girona for professional minutes before getting sold
Girona is a CFG affiliate player mill, not a City feeder team
There has never been a single Girona to City player promotion ever. It’s always the other way around where a City academy player or CFG affiliate club player gets sent to Girona for professional minutes before getting sold
Girona is a CFG affiliate player mill, not a City feeder team
The player mill is leading La Liga right now, fuckin hell