I’ve worked really hard getting a certification and landed an excellent part time job. I’m in college and my grades are the best they’ve ever been despite my increased workload but I can’t stop constantly thinking about the past. There isn’t a moment in time where I don’t feel anxious, as if I don’t deserve this relative success I’m having. I feel like a fraud. I don’t know if I’m making any sense.

  • smigao@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Ho dang yeah I felt that probably still do at times. Giving back helps a bit. Usually try to donate some food or books to some orphanages.

    What’s done is over and you can’t change it but it’s experience.

    Don’t worry life has more shit around the corner to fuck you up or piss you off. As Kratos once said “the worst is yet to come” so try not to feel so bad about the past and enjoy the ride.