This is a name that I haven’t seen here very much (or at all), but I just picked up his short story collection from 2008 called The Drowned Life. Has anyone read his stuff? Any fans or not-fans?

I’m about a third of the way through the book and I can’t decide what I think of his stories. On one hand, they are well-written, interesting, with some very clever ideas. On the other hand I have found all of them to be unsettling - like just past the point of comfortable. Kind of like the uncanny valley idea. I can’t quite wrap my head around it. It’s all sort of triggering my anxiety but I’m also enjoying it? How does that even make sense? Is that the point? Is he more of a horror writer than I thought? It’s just weird stuff, but not overtly weird, just like normal life but there’s something hanging around the periphery that’s not. quite. right.