Dont get me wrong, online to bitch as much as or more than anyone. And I did. WHILE HE WAS HERE. He’s gone, we’re happy, can we just forget he ever existed and not post about him anymore. Please and thank youm

  • Frigglefragglewaggit@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    This is dumb, and I’m gonna tell you why.

    It happened, and not talking about it won’t change that. Every single year we talk about a player that is no longer on the team, and there isn’t a football season that goes by that someone doesn’t mention Jawalrus or Al Davis.

    If we’re going to forget about people after they leave, let’s be consistent in our reasoning and only praise players while they’re on the roster… But after that, we never speak of them again. Now, do you hear how stupid that sounds?