Silly title aside what do you do to warm up and if you do any stretching for mobility after a run what are they?

I confess to being extremely lazy. My idea of a warm up is just running a bit easier than normal and the only stretch I do is foam roll my calves and stretch out the old hams on a wall.

Every time I look up articles you get insane fitness blogs regurgitating the same 3 page “easy” routine that you absolutely must do all of or you will definitely die.

So what do actual other human beings do? Come, share your wisdom or commiserate in haphazardness.

  • Odin@lemmy.worldM
    10 months ago

    I don’t do a lot to warm up, but for recovery I can’t stress enough how helpful foam rolling and downward dog (the single best calf stretch) have been for me. Early on in my running I was getting shin splints and leg pain, and these two things made a world of difference.