Be mindful also that not only #Blind people require #AltText. People with #Dyslexia, #ADHD #VisualProcessingDisorders or #NeuroVisualDisorders and #ActuallyAutistic people (and others too) also make use of screen readers and text-to-speech software.

I, for example, need TTS apps to read text and interpret image both due to neurodivergency and Neuro-visual issues that often make it imposible for me to read, understand images or differentiate/properly see colours. My optic nerve is thinner than it should, making me often see as if things in front of me were out of focus, and it’s getting worse, but I still haven’t reach the point of needing screen readers to navigate.

And remember: that blindness is an spectrum. Not every Blind people has cero vision. In fact, most have some level of residual vision that allow them to see colours, or shadows, to give some examples.

If you find a user here that requires alt text for text screenshots, but not for images without text (or viceversa) don’t put in doubt their need for it.

Needless to say, don’t make fun a light mode users (sadly I’ve seen this happen in the #Fediverse). Many blind people with low light perception and some people with VPDs need light theme to be able to navigate a site/read.

    1 year ago

    @retronautickz also alt text is super helpful for people with low data bandwidth and for people with a different cultural / education background (like I love to learn who that person in that picture is or some other information that is included in the alt text but not in the post)