• Sonori@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    A pittance, and almost always on the condition that they get a new monopoly. Hence why nearly all of it goes to green hydrogen and other things a few chemical companies can create a very profitable monopoly on.

    Offhand, I believe it was Shell which offered to put some decent headline figure of money in solar, on the small condition that the panels energy can have a 10% markup in an highly competitive industry with profit magins closer to 2% to 3%.

    If you are already part of a very profitable cartel that has convinced the world it is not only necessarily but the reason the standard of living has increased in the last century, you can’t make even more money by becoming just one fish in an highly competitive market. Way back in the seventies they did the numbers, and found the delay, deny, defund was a far better option for making money. It would fail eventually sure, but even if ninty percent of thier profit went to lobbying and funding hate groups it would still be more profitable than entering an actually free energy market.

    Besides, the deadline for decarbonisation has always been twenty to thirty years away, it’s not “realistic” to try for anything soooner, and the’ll have retired to thier mansions by then.