Finance is a combination of luck, good/bad decisions, and a little bit of chance!

Let’s talk about your ups and downs! What successes did you have this week? Who messed up?

  • Affaires de PiassesOPM
    10 months ago

    Kind of a down for now: I’m in the process of transferring my accounts to NBDB, and they are driving me nuts.

    We have 3 kids, so 3 RESPs, and they’ve opened 3 separate account roots for them. We wanted to open a non-registered account in each root to be able to exceed the 20k limit and avoid fees, we were confirmed over the phone that it was possible, and now that we’ve signed all the paperwork, it turns out we need to seek special internal permissions… and it’s been going in circles for 2 months and after about fifteen exchanges with the support team (who are very responsive, at least that’s something to not complain about).

    Yesterday I wanted to make a contribution to one of the accounts: it wasn’t possible. I contact them to ask why, they tell me they’ve closed the account. Without any warning, nothing.

    They ask to fill out forms and sign them, we send them in, and they send them back via Docusign to be signed, not much is automated, it’s very complicated to add an external bank account and you have to send a $25 check for that, the app is complicated and quite messy, …

    In short, not very impressed with the service so far, but I hope my opinion will change over time.