Curious what kind of reformed traditions y’all come from.
My denom likes to think it traces its roots back to the Huguenots but really we’re a weird mishmash of dutch reformed and various northh american presbyterians…
Lol nice.
Not reformed actually (but very much a fan!). Plymouth brethren (so-called!)
Haha same here, right on.
Nice. Same as in not-reformed, or same as in PB?
My uncle was a Plymouth Brethren… and he is very Calvinistic. So… I guess that’s not uncommon?
Well I was Conservative Baptist… Then went to Vineyard. Then to Sovereign Grace where I actually started believing in Reformed doctrine.
And now I’m in Trinity Fellowship Churches where our confession is based on the LBCF 1689 and our polity is similar to Presbyterianism.
I grew up fundamental Baptist, but have been a part of the PCA for over a decade.
Dutch reformed (currently URCNA), with family in other reformed traditions.
I’m in a PCA church. We started off as a nondenom college ministry but ended up joining the PCA for leadership accountability reasons.