Let us know how you are accessing lemmy (or reddit). Both are going to see some big updates shortly, reddit in a negative way, while lemmy is only improving services.

I am putting together some information to help new users get the most out of lemmy, so that it feels user-friendly and easily accessible. Stay tuned

  • leftylibra@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    For those of you using lemmy in a mobile browser, most browsers support “installing” the site as a progressive web app (PWA). This will create a shortcut which opens the site fullscreen without the usual browser address bar, giving it a much more “appy” feel.

    For Safari on iOS:

    1. Browse to your local lemmy instance (e.g. lemmy.world)
    2. Click on the share button located at the center bottom of the screen
    3. Scroll to add to the home button at the bottom of the UI
    4. Click on add to the home button
    5. Click on add button

    For the Chrome, Firefox and most other mobile browsers:

    1. Browse to your local lemmy instance (e.g. lemmy.world)
    2. Tap the 3-dot Firefox menu
    3. Select Install

    I’m not familiar with Iphones though.