Reddit admin doesn’t need an explanation, or justification. They’ll do it anyway.
In case you missed what happened to r/MildlyInteresting, Reddit has declared war on the mods.
I know, but I want them see justifying taking their mod privileges away because it has became an NSFW sub. It just sounds extremely rediculus to be doing that to a sub literally named “r/anime_titties”
That’s the thing they’re already stopped trying to justify. Why bother with that when you can lock a mod out of their mod account?
Or they could ignore the sub. It’s just one sub going NSFW, they don’t have to deal with them all equally
Sure, absolutely that they COULD, just like they could have made an exception for Apollo/rif/etc with the API pricing (even for just one year).
@zekiz if you read the modcoord message sent by admins, they argue that if users are used to seeing sfw there and suddenly see nsfw it’s bad. Which could mean that a_t would not be complying with these guidelines I assume.
Look at those goalposts go!
sure is nice to be an admin in a corpo site where the rules of social ethics don’t apply, bet they’re glad they can screw over everyone, knowingly and openly, and not even get a scratch, but even raises and promotions
What happened to r/MildlyInteresting? Haven’t opened Reddit since June 12th
They’re removing more mods for staying dark or malicious compliance shenanigans. Whatever is left after this will be shells and shills.
Maybe they will replace the volunteer mods with people who get paid for their labor.
Legit that would depend on how cheap the labor was and how long they need to pay them. Like shitty pay outsource labor to keep up appearances for a week or two could be a thing.
The plan could be to get IPO then dump stock before anyone realizes the entire mod team depends on Google translate.
Would be hilarious if Google charged them for the use of their translating services.
Shells, Shills and Boughts
Shells, Shills, Boughts, and Bots
They forcibly removed (and banned, at least in some cases) the mods. It’s really wild.
They are free to cut off their nose to spite their own face
They are going to burn their house to the ground before they IPO and then get crushed at the open.
Reddit admins aren’t even pretending to try to explain their decisions. The gloves have come off and they don’t care about justifying their actions to the mod communities they’re wiping. It’s a matter of time until every subreddit has either fallen in line or been ‘reset’ unfortunately.
This is the kind of action that sways the rational folks who were indifferent. Those folks make for decent discussion, and I preemptively welcome them.
The admins pay their rent doing what the execs tell them to do. Much as I would like for a system where the moderators also got compensated for their work, not being so lends them independence from the platform, and allows them to be more responsive to their communities.
I get why some of the admins are doing it, but “just following orders” has never been a good look.
Sorry for using your comment as a springboard to soapbox. >_>
So the original Anime_titties was not actually for posting pics of anime titties??
The mod team on r/worldpolitics didn’t want to moderate properly and so folks tries to post anime pics and eventually the sub became dedicated to anime.
As part of the joke those folks also made r/anime_titties which ended up becoming the moderated sub to talk about world politics.
I really hope the real anime_titties community comes here, some of the best non-eurocentric news without focusing overmuch on one country or region.
100 years from now … Anime Titties is the defacto source for world news
deleted by creator
Oh, thank you for this! It was nice having a news source about literally any other country than mine, and I was sad to see one of my few actually useful subs go down the drain
deleted by creator
Can you explain how I would subscribe to them on kbin?
As you see there, their “home” address is That gives them a wider fediverse “address” of [email protected].
Plug that into the correct format URL on your home site - as a user, that would be[email protected] - and from there you subscribe as normal.
Thank you for breaking it down the way you did. It’s the first time I’ve been able to build/read the urls/addresses where it actually makes sense to me.
It’s felt like everyone was saying “the bathroom is to the left” to me in Spanish, but I don’t speak Spanish. You just pulled out Google translate for me lol.
No problem!
To complete the explanation then, the only other thing I might add is that if you plug that community into your home site’s URL format and it doesn’t show up, it might mean you’re the first person on kbin,social to notice that community. In that case, plug the fediverse “address” ([email protected]) into the search gizmo by your username at the top right and your instance will sync up with it.
I was subbed there too. It’s actually a pretty good news subreddit.
lurker reporting for duty
Amazing! A great piece of history. Glad they are moving to discord and Lemmy now!
Ahhh, just like /r/trees and /r/marijuanaenthusiasts! That’s fun.
And r/JohnCena and r/potatosalad, and similar to r/superbowl (actually about superb owls)
I get john cena and I’m aware of superbowl (which already has two communities here). What’s r/potatosalad?
r/JohnCena and r/potatosalad switched places because everyone likes potato salad but nobody loves it, so it became a nickname for Cena and the two subreddits decided to swap.
I really loved the reddit community. I hope they migrated to somewhere decent.
They list instance in the announcement.
And plants. Lots of plant pics.
Nope. It was a sub to talk about geopolitical news. Not a joke. That’s actually what the sub was about.
That’s one of those little things that I really will miss about reddit. Same deal with /r/trees and /r/marijuanaenthusiasts. Guess which one was for the arborists.
Those guys were always super cool about it on both sides though, lol. People would post questions about actual trees on /r/trees and a horde of friendly stoners would point them towards the other sub. You’d think you were just being fucked with until you actually went there, and lo, dendrology.
I’m going to miss the way reddit was. And I’m sad for what it’s become.
Just like my parents
Backing that up from the opposite side of the fence. Questions about actual marijuana would sometimes get joke responses, but they were always light-hearted and they would always have one or several users explain and link them the correct sub. Gone are the days of posting about obtaining “contraband” that turned out to be magnolia seeds, I guess. There’s no reason to carry that joke here, as frankly I think it would harm discoverability too much.
I mean, they aren’t going to feel the need to explain themselves, but I suspect that this will make for quite the New York Times article.
Yes. That’s what I’m talking about. It would just sound so funny. I can already see the headline “Reddit banns r/Anime_Titties Moderator for allowing anime titties”
What is funny is that tits itself aren’t even pornographic so you technically don’t even have to “warn” anyone.
A pretty common convention on Reddit, started by, if I recall correctly, /r/earthporn, is that many major subreddits, like /r/foodporn and such, devoted to non-pornographic images end in “-porn”, where “-porn” just means “attractive image”. If you’re going to be browsing images on Reddit during work hours and the issue that your boss is going to have is with you browsing a non-pornographic site that has a pornographic name, you’re probably in for some explaining anyway.
EDIT: Oh, if you mean that you’re objecting to tits in general being on the sub rather than reading news on /r/anime_titties, disregard.
The time has come to end the -porn suffix.
If you’re setting up a new community go with -pics.
I just set up a community for fuzzy baby animal pics called “FurryPorn.” No pics yet, but I’m sure there will be some soon.
What a coincidence, I just set up a community for furry porn called AnimalPics
this. It was funny but it made things more fringe than they needed to be. Much easier to tell my coworker about powerwashingPics…
Little late for that.
Yeah, those URLs are being logged somewhere. If they really care, somebody would’ve already asked for an explanation.
Well, if they have local software on your computer or you’re going through a SOCKS proxy or they have their own CA root inserted on your work computer and so can monitor any of your TLS communications, yeah.
But normally you’re talking to Reddit over TLS, so all that’s exposed to the network in plaintext is the domain, – that’s exchanged in the handshake in plaintext to facilitate virtual hosts, where multiple websites live on one server. It doesn’t expose the path to the file requested to the network in plaintext, which is where the subreddit name is.
I would guess that he’s more worried about his manager walking by his desk.
I wish I’d known about this subreddit when I reddited.
I would see it around, I just thought it was about…well, you know…
Lmao true. I doubt anyone would see the sub name and go, “oh hey there’s a perfectly good world news sub. I’m gonna sub to it.”
It was quite good, they limited the amount if US centric posts.
I feel that way about so many subs I never knew existed before this clusterfuck began.
I am in the same boat , 8 years and I had no idea. :/
…and the mod list has been wiped and that post removed
one of the best subs on reddit.
Every April 1st by tradition people posted actual anime titties.
Dear r/anime_titties community,
As many of you are aware, we recently held a poll to detrimine the future of this sub in light of Reddit asking to reopen. While most of you voted in favor of making this sub for actual anime titties, the original post was not a traditional poll post but instead a restricted post where the vote was decided by two comments, one for literal anime titties and one for returning things back to normal. And since the return to normal comment was hidden due to negligence on my part where I replied to myself instead of making two separate comment threads, it made for a really lopsided vote. I offer my apologies for this. Since the sub was under restricted mode for a bit and I was enjoying the glee of the moment, I didn’t stop to think about whether or not the voting system was fair. You all can get mad at me for this since I deserve it. And now we are going to attempt an actual poll post with the two options and third option of returning to geopolitics and world news but marking it nsfw to reduce avenues for Reddit to get ad money. The poll ends in 48 hours so make sure to vote
View Poll
I don’t wanna give reddit unnecessary views. What’s the Lemmy community they link in the post?
Search for [email protected] in the magazine search.
I just popped over to try to follow it, and it seems they’re redoing the poll or something - I can’t find it. @zekiz, do you know where it led? I would love to subscribe to a Fediverse version of anime_titties, it was one of the best news subs on Reddit.
Edit: somehow this link doesn’t work, but it works when you search for it. Strange
It worked for me when I clicked on it, 33 minutes after you posted.
I recall reading that a Fediverse instance only starts mirroring content from another instance when someone on that instance subscribes to it, so perhaps between then and now someone signed up.
I actually subscribed to it, but it can be that it just wasn’t synced yet
Edit: nope. Still can’t view it that way
Interesting, the link 404ed for me when I clicked on it just now. I guess some sort of subtle bug in kbin making it sometimes work and sometimes not? A minor thing under the circumstances.
Can’t wait to see /r/trees started posting about actual trees
Sexy trees.
Second Update:
Anime_titties is open again and disregarded the results of the poll.
From one of the mods:
I chose to open the sub back up to news and to disregard all of the polls and comments. Call me a dictator or a power mod or whatever you want, I can take it.
We created and built this community from nothing to be the best platform for world news on Reddit. We have accomplished that in a lot of ways without much promotion or assistance from Reddit Inc. Regardless of what corporate does or does not do, we have an obligation to continue what we created and to shine light on stories and opinions hard to find on this website.
I’m not sorry.
Yeah just saw that. Fuck them
Incredibly based that they directly put a link to their lemmy
Everyone: sounds logical to m…
Spez: ban it!
“One per titty” 😂 that’s hilarious. I love this post
Unfortunately, Reddit is a business and not a community effort like Fediverse. Shareholders took them by the scruff the neck. Moderators were working for free and are unfortunately realizing that it never had their interests at heart.
When you think about it, having volunteer mods on a commercial platform is kind of a weird concept