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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/ninjasaid13 on 2023-10-24 23:03:59.

LAION presents Open Empathic and aims to equip open-source AI systems with empathy and emotional intelligence. The hope is that the framework of this project, together with a community of researchers and technology enthusiasts, will revolutionize the way AI interacts with and supports humans in various domains.

It is important that AI systems possess emotional intelligence to understand and respond to human emotions as AI becomes more impactful in our lives, it becomes vital to prioritize the well-being and emotional intelligence of AI-human interactions.

Few of the benefits of an emotionally intelligent AI are:

  1. Empowering Students and Learners
  2. Advancing Psychological Research
  3. Improved Mental Health Support
  4. Ethical Decision-Making
  5. Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry

LAION had created a dataset for rlhf in the beginning of the year with the help of the os community and now LAION needs your help to create an open-source audio dataset that will enable AI systems, such as chatbots, to understand emotions and train emotionally intelligent, empathic text-to-speech models.

Your annotations of audio data will play a pivotal role in training AI models that not only comprehend emotions but also respond empathetically, fostering a deeper connection between AI and humans.

There’s a tutorial you can watch on the link and you can register on the site at the end of the tutorial video.