It’s heavily implied she grooms the facial hair, since they mention her mom having a beard, and you can see she has wild sideburns that she trims back. We also didn’t see other dwarf women about (or did we?) I think we’ll see full on bearded dwarf women going forward, but her not having one was a character choice. They actually designed her with facial hair but liked her look without it better.
Being branded by Amazon sur doesn’t bode well
The boys and gen v would like a word
Honestly they have been good. I give credit to that
“But OMG black dwarf in LOTR cleeeerly Amazun iz woak shit lawl amazonbad!!.”
The black dwarf was fine and the least of the shows issue. I had much bigger problem with her having no beard though.
It’s heavily implied she grooms the facial hair, since they mention her mom having a beard, and you can see she has wild sideburns that she trims back. We also didn’t see other dwarf women about (or did we?) I think we’ll see full on bearded dwarf women going forward, but her not having one was a character choice. They actually designed her with facial hair but liked her look without it better.
I actually loved that show, black dwarves and all. Certainly better than the Hobbit trilogy, and it has promise.
Dem rangz doe! LAAAAAAAAAWD!