Hey yall, I want to get into self-hosting. I want to start from hosting on a raspberry pi, and I am just wondering if yall have any recommendations (I’ve never hosted anything before, but have experience in linux and programming). Sorry if it’s bit of a stupid question.
One suggestion might be to load a Debian build on it and use it for docker containers. With docker containers you can do so many different things. I have a PI 4 and it does all of the following:
PiHole - For blocking ads. (Everyone should have one of these)
OpenMediaVault - For NAS
Portainers - For loading docker containers
Radarr - Downloading Movies
Sonarr - Downloading TV Shows
Tautulli - Monitors my plex server
Overseer - Allows members of my plex share to request content.
NZBGET and Real-Debrid Torrent Downloader Clients - For downloading content from usenet or real-debrid.
I have one Pi4 running all of these as docker containers. Have fun!
Any chance you can point to a good tutorial for setting up these apps on the RPi?
Seconding - you can actually squeeze a surprising amount of use out of a Pi4 running Docker.
I have an 8gb one with ELK stack in docker compose, and it’s struggling to say the least, even without traffic.