What are people’s favourite first person single player campaigns, no third person games??

  • avatar@vlemmy.net
    1 year ago

    I am hugely into the 2D Metroid games and bought the new Metroid Prime remake on switch and I just could not get into it.

    I played it for about half an hour and then died, and there were no save points along the way anywhere, so I’m forced to restart a game I didn’t enjoy from scratch knowing I need to last even longer than that in my next playthrough before I can just save the game.

    I really want to like it but my god this game is asking a lot

    • Vampiric_Luma
      1 year ago

      That’s a shame. What do you think you’re struggling with in Prime? Do you play a lot of FPS games?

      I recognize that losing 30 minutes of progress is frustrating, but generally when the game is exciting it drags you back in regardless so I’m curious what was missing from your perspective to give it that spark especially as a Metroid fan.

      • avatar@vlemmy.net
        1 year ago

        I do play FPS games, but not on controller. Beyond that I can’t really say - there was nothing that grabbed me in 30 minutes of playtime, and every other metroid game had at least something interesting at the beginning with some intrigue. With Prime, it seemed like the Interesting Thing were the mechanics themselves, which, on their own, didn’t do it for me.

        • Vampiric_Luma
          1 year ago


          It gets a lot better once you’re on the planet. Great atmosphere while exploring alien ruins, expected metroid-style exploration. Multiple save-points lol!

          The space station doesn’t do the mechanics justice, but I’m also going to add I don’t imagine they’ll ever blow you away especially if you’ve been exposed to a lot of FPS games. But I do think you’d have a good time down there. It spawned a trilogy for a reason!

          Also if you hadn’t and do go back, try using the pointer controls. The ability to actually aim with your joycon adds convenience and immersion. :) and maybe one of the other options would click with you.