In a fiery speech to members of the German parliament, Chancellor Scholz championed repatriation deals with third countries as a potential game-changer in addressing the migration challenges faced by EU member states.

    1 year ago

    This does not make much sense to me, but I must admit I’m Italian so I’m half brainwashed by Meloni’s propaganda. Key points that don’t seem to make sense:

    • agreements with origin countries are already in the Italian agenda to mitigate migration fluxes (not that it is a good idea, the government was heavily criticized for that by the opposition during last spring)
    • Germany is funding NGOs to take migrants to Italy which goes in the opposite direction of preventing people from departing
    • Germany does not accept humanitarian refugees from the current middle east crisis.

    The SPD + FDP coalition has begun to fear the approaching vote, so he starts pointing fingers instead of dealing with the internal roots of his losing consensus. Exactly as the democratic party did in Italy (and they blatantly lost the elections).