Monday is here again, which means back to work for most of us.

Has it rained yet where you are? What’s happening this week?

    1 year ago

    How. HOW. Is it already sodding Monday?!

    It poured down here last night and I had high hopes but somehow it’s sunny and hot again this morning? Feels like a bait and switch, not impressed.

    Last week work was a nightmare of technical difficulties so today is gonna be equally a nightmare of recovering from them. I’ve put extra honey in my tea to help cope. Can’t really go out and do social things because other half is off on a lads holiday at the weekend and the last thing we want is germs getting into the house, so I guess it’s just us and tv and video games and maybe if we’re feeling spicy…a crossword or two.

    Goal for the week is to spend less time on Lemmy because currently it’s becoming way more addictive than Reddit ever was and that’s saying something 😅

    (I sound properly grumpy this morning don’t I? Clearly not a morning person, or a Monday person, or a person who likes ever being outside of comfy bed ever)