Knowledge is power. I’m sure we’ve all heard that line before. It’s clear then that non-fiction and useful forms of literature such as encyclopedias and maps are powerful.

If someone were to horde a huge collection of textbooks, including all the ones still in print, we may consider it a huge consolidation of power, where those who have access to this private library are more powerful than us common folk who can only afford to own so many books. Subscribers to JSTOR and Elsevier are quite lucky in this regard.

If that’s the case, then what about fiction? What about Stephen King? Shakespeare? The Great Gatsby? What about a huge library of snugly fireplace literature, best enjoyed with a hot beverage?

Perhaps owning a library of non fiction is to owning a library of fiction is what owning a hospital is to owning a gym?

    1 year ago

    Sure is. To give some examples, Jules Verne wrote fiction, but his vision greatly influences our world to this day. Asimov and his works are probably one of the most influential on discussions around AI and ethics of AI. Werner von Braun and Korolev were both inspired by the work of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (though I guess this was equal amount of research and speculative ideas). The list goes on…