CEO Steve Huffman says tech giants should not be able to trawl Reddit’s huge store of data for free. But that information came from users, not the company

That “corpus of data” is the content posted by millions of Reddit users over the decades. It is a fascinating and valuable record of what they were thinking and obsessing about. Not the tiniest fraction of it was created by Huffman, his fellow executives or shareholders. It can only be seen as belonging to them because of whatever skewed “consent” agreement its credulous users felt obliged to click on before they could use the service.


    1 year ago

    Yeah but if you’re going to use the oauth 2 method you don’t use the same API key as everyone, how that works is you authorize your account with the bot, the company gives you a bearer token and then that token is what’s used for rate limits. The Bot client token is not used in that process, the oauth2 bearer token is

    this is taken from the reddit Api docs: As of July 1, 2023, we will enforce two different rate limits for those eligible for free access usage of our Data API. The limits are:

    If you are using OAuth for authentication: 100 queries per minute (QPM) per OAuth client ID
    If you are not using OAuth for authentication: 10 QPM

    so apperently I undershot it, it’s actually 100 requests per minute not per hour like I originally thought it was