Hey Diablo 4 is my first ever Diablo. I was reading the tips and tricks post earlier. I have some questions? 1). How big of a difference does starting in world tier 2 compared to world tier 1 ? 2). “Someone said if I just only complete the campaign I would be under leveled by level 50” Just looking for a optimized way to level. 3). Do I keep completing side quest and campaign to drop better loot for later or should I look up a specific dungeon for my character?

Thanks and sorry if my question are to noobish haha

  • acqrs@acqrs.co.uk
    2 years ago

    Agreed on WT2 making you think about things. I was playing a blood nec and just messing around for a while, but once it became a bit difficult I switched to bone/corpse explosion and started getting +vulnerable% gear and +crit damage gear cause it seemed the whole bone play style is based around that. The game is still challenging for me, but optimizing gear a bit along the way made it at least possible to beat some of the dungeons.