So far I have a bunch of tradfri lights with a couple of hubs + Google wifi. I’m in Canada and a house I own and in a city that has good access to shipping. I’m an electrician, mostly commercial, but comfortable with computers and have done one or two projects with Arduino, so no issues with modification. I have a sense EM installed. I’m looking for an open source, localized, remote accesible, “reasonably secure” system/software. Thoughts? I rather not go back to Reddit.

    2 years ago

    Another recommendation for Home Assistant here. Home Assistant is commonly run on a Raspberry Pi or other low power SBC, but there are variety of install options.

    As you have some Ikea Tradfri devices you will also want to get a Zigbee coordinator. Tradfri devices use Zigbee to communicate, and with Home Assistant and a Zigbee coordinator you can stop using the Ikea hub and control the devices directly with Home Assistant.

    Good options for Zigbee coordinators include Home Assistant SkyConnect, SONOFF ZBDongle-P and Phoscon ConBee II.