• zerfuffle@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Considering the sheer propaganda coming out of the West:

    “They killed babies” - White House confirms there is no photographic evidence after Biden’s statement, then some idiot online (Ben Shapiro?) starts spreading a generative AI-generated image

    “They were going to attack schoolchildren at a school!” - the attack was on a Saturday during Shabbat, the one day a week you could ensure that nobody would be in the school

    “They attacked an EDM rave!” - within earshot of both the concentration camp (Gaza) and the IDF Gaza Division, with tanks that are minutes away, and with armed personnel on the premises… I’m sure the target must have been the rave, though

    “They killed and raped this naked girl!” - the family reports the girl is alive and being treated at a hospital in Gaza (though given the hospital situation in Gaza that’s not saying much anymore), the video evidence shows her as clearly clothed, and her safety shorts/boots are both still on

    Yes, civilians died at that’s absolutely tragic and we should absolutely condemn Hamas for any civilian loss of life, but let’s not pretend like Hamas consists of evil boogeyman Muslim terrorists dead-set on killing every Israeli in Israel, even if that’s what the US needs you to believe so you can support military aid for Israel.