I’m living in Dublin, Ireland. I’m a brown belt, been training around 10 years, primarily nogi for the last 6 or so.
Purple belt, Scotland. No gi mainly. Old.
Colorado white, mostly gi
Howdy, in Michigan, USA. Blue belt training for ~5 years. Mostly gi. Doing mostly no gi last 6 months or so.
Good to kinda sorta meet ya
Brown belt from the south coast of the UK here. Training since 2015, enjoy a mixture of gi and nogi.
Good to have you buddy
Hello all o/
I’m in London, UK.
Training mostly gi, with a slight gravitational pull towards no-gi as of late.
Edmonton. Purple belt. Gi only as a hobby after retiring from MMA 13 years ago
White belt Wisconsin. Mostly Gi (so far)
New Zealand. Have been training (no-gi only) for roughly a year and a half. I unexpectedly received my blue belt last month which was a nice surprise.