A few years ago I created a Telegram channel which pulls around 10 top voted news every day from r/Vancouver and post it there: https://t.me/vancitynews It’s a handy way to get local news, try it out

Now I’m thinking: Is it a good idea to automatically post those news here to spark a discussions and make this community more alive? Is it even allowed to automatically post anything? What do you think?

I’m pretty sure that the new Reddit policy will not affect my channel which calls reddit.com just a handful times per day

  • EugeneOP
    1 year ago

    Taking about settings I can adjust right now, they are

    • number of posts
    • period over which top posts are being looked
    • mimimum upvotes threshold
    • subbredits from which posts are gathered
    • exclusions of any particular sources

    My friend and I also thinking about utilizing ChatGPT to create a summary of the article as well as to add some intellegent filtering but this is a long term (may be never) type of a pet projects

    Let me know if you find something to be particular interesting or have other ideas