#WhatchaReading ? If “too much sex” reviews make you perk, you’ll want to check out Her Halloween Treat by Reisz. Nothing but sex and banter, often at the same time. Way too much of both for me.

Also DNF’d The Road to Roswell, second Willis DNF in a row for me. To paraphrase my husband, I’m tired of her shtick.


  • iheartneopets@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    I’m finally reading Call Me By Your Name! I was expecting romance and some sex, but I definitely was not ready for all of the in-depth descriptions of some of the scenes 😳 (that peach scene, my lord, IFYKYK)

  • azteclady@romancelandia.club
    11 months ago

    @willaful I’m reading an ARC _Friends Don’t Fall in Love_ by Erin Hahn; it’s loosely tied to her release last year (_Built to Last_), and so far, so good: despite generally not liking first person, present tense, the characters grabbed me from the get. It’s about two longtime friends who once had a one-night stand and now are convinced the other doesn’t want to go back there, ever.

    It releases next Tuesday, and I hope to have a review up tomorrow or Saturday.

    @romancelandia @romancebooks

  • Lenoreo@romancelandia.club
    11 months ago

    @willaful @romancelandia @romancebooks ah bummer! I listened to the Thanksgiving one by Reisz awhile ago and enjoyed it! And usually I’m not big on just sex. Maybe the Halloween one was worse? I might have to check it out just to see if I’m more depraved than I thought! 😝

    My hubby and I are on a roadtrip and started listening to Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. We’re enjoying trading theories!