Britain will send surveillance aircraft, two Royal Navy support ships and about 100 Royal Marines to the eastern Mediterranean from Friday to support Israel and help prevent any sudden escalation of fighting in the Middle East.

Patrol flights of Poseidon P-8 aircraft and other planes will begin on Friday, Downing St announced, tasked partly with monitoring any efforts to transfer of weapons from countries such as Iran or Russia to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Existing UK military units and fighter aircraft, based at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, are also on alert as Israel gears up for an expected ground assault on Gaza after last Saturday’s surprise attack by Hamas, which has left more than 1,300 Israeli civilians dead. The death toll in Gaza has risen above 1,400.

    1 year ago

    Pick up a history book. “One China” is what every CPC leader says because the PRC and ROC never brokered a peace deal. It usually flares up whenever Taiwan drifts towards the US sphere of influence and dies down when Taiwan falls back into China’s sphere of influence.

    It’s never been anything more than posturing, because, again, Taiwan has no value UNLESS it’s aligned against China.