It was a post-apocalyptic story. The protagonist was a young teenage girl who comes out of some kind of a bomb shelter and has to deal with a world where almost everybody seems to have died. She was written as very bright and into martial arts I think. I seem to recall it was written in an odd style. Any ideas?
Could it be this?
Yes! That’s the one, thanks very much!!
Luck of the draw! I’m happy that was it. Bonus - It was a novella and has since been expanded. So you get to experience it for the first time again.
That’s awesome. I’m looking forward to it.
Nice website. I hadn’t seen this before Even though it looks like it’s been around since the 90s. That tag system nailed their description.
It is definitely a great resource.
Yeah, that’s a new one for me, too. Looks really useful for those kinds of questions.