
💪 Guardsmen of the National Academy of NSU received two Sirko unmanned aerial systems sponsored by the Slots City Foundation

These are six drones and two stations that will help teach defenders how to operate drones professionally.

Sirko fixed wing tactical reconnaissance UAV provides a tactical range of up to 30 kilometers. These are the “eyes” of the military, which save the lives of defenders and prevent the enemy from dominating the battlefield. Sirko has a wingspan of 93 centimeters and is considered ultralight as it weighs only 1.37 kilograms. The battery charge is enough to cover a distance of up to 130-140 kilometers at an altitude of up to 1,000 meters. This UAV can stay in the air for up to one and a half hours.

☝️In the summer alone, three more such “Sirko” complexes were received by the scouts and brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the volunteers of the Foundation. Also repaired drones, cars, thermal imagers, generators and Starlinks, boats and tricycles, military and special equipment for fighters of various units went to the front line. Hospitals and wounded fighters also received donations. In total, the help of volunteers during the period of operation of the Fund exceeded UAH 90 million.
