I’ve noticed that most communities mainly show day-old posts with default sorting. Sorting by New or Hot helps with seeing newer posts. Kinda obvious, but I sure didn’t realize until trying it out 😅

  • New_account@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Top Day is probably the best sort option so far, but I wouldn’t mind something that updates a little more frequently (e.g., Top for the past 4 hours). Additionally, I wouldn’t mind adding a decay mechanism that gradually pulls posts lower as time passes. As things stand now, if a post is immediately popular within the same hour it gets posted, it’ll remain as the #1 post on Top Day for the next 23 hours before immediately falling off the page altogether the second the post becomes 24 hours old. That leads to stale pages, and if people see the same posts every time they check this place, they’ll assume it’s a dead community and never come back. By implementing something that more gradually cycles content, if I check the site once at lunch and again a few hours later on my train ride home, I should get different content.