The reddit blackout is even more effectivte than expected! 5177/8829 (~60%) of subreddits are still dark [1] and the posts per minute are down to 1000 from 1400 [2].

This is huge. Subreddits were supposed to be back up yesterday. I personally missed Reddit the first day but now I am super comfortable here.

Glad to have found a new place to hang out!

Edit: Reddit has 100k subs, 60% out of those who officially signed up



  • Gone
    2 years ago

    Let them. It will make their operations more expensive and the quality worse. Sure, users will stay, just as how there are still people on 9gag, Stumbleupon, FunnyJunk, etc, but this is all an engagement game and if the site is less engaging, fewer people will engage and other alternatives will get better as more redditfugees make their exodus