Forget charting a thousand alien worlds; I just wanna be a snack pirate.
“Snack pirate” is a perfectly valid way of playing this, and I, for one, am looking forward to the YouTube channel.
im here for the sandwiches
I really hope there are spacedrugs so I can expand my skooma and moon sugar “collection”.
Gives me flashbacks to Skyrim and filling up Breezehome with cheese wheels!
I’ll be waiting for reviews, but the gameplay deep dive has got me pretty hyped!
All about the cabbage hoarding for me.
Yeah I definitely need reviews on this, but everybody in the direct seemed so earnestly excited about the game that it started rubbing off on me! Can’t wait to see now from it.
Has everyone forgotten Bethesda’s last game? If they’re willing to publish redfall what can we honestly expect from this? It’s not just redfall either. Honestly every Bethesda game released has been a broken mess.
I feel like the developers, Arkane Austin, were just as responsible for redfall as Bethesda is. Fallout76 was broken at launch but most of the playerbase is quite happy with the fixes and updates that happened in the first year or two. Its a multiplayer game that should have never been developed anyway. Before that was fallout4 which I thought was fine at launch but mayve im misremembering. Im excited for this, it feels like they put a lot of time and energy and thought into everything.
This is exactly why I am excited for Starfield. I just want to dock ships and plunder whatever I can.
I have always played RPGs from the good guy perspective - responding to the calls for help to actually help, risking my life for the strangers’ wellbeing, having a rigid and perfectly calibrated moral compass, all while being an emotionally complex and multi-layered individual…
Not in Starfield. Once I learned that it is possible to join the pirates, The Crimson Fleet, I knew that this is going to be my first time being an absolute scumbag. I’ll pick a backstory, traits, and skills all based around criminal way of life for one, and one purpose - for my own good.
I’m going to be a steel rat of the settled systems, and I salute your devotion to plunder.
I’m going to be the guy who publicly does The Right Thing but secretly goes around stealing peoples sandwiches and hoarding them in my ship