Hi, I am totally new to 3D printing and want to have a printer. Budget is 400€. My background is computer science and programming and I want to be able to hack the device if I want but it should work fine OOTB (or with minimal effort). Which device would you guys suggest to me?

  • Rhs519
    2 years ago

    My personal experience is with Prusa, so I’m sure that will color my answers.

    Knowing what I know now, if I had to start again the things I wouldn’t compromise on would be:

    1. Auto Mesh leveling
    2. Magnetic/Removal Print Bed
    3. Quality support

    For me, having those changes the hobby from “making the printer go” to “my printer enables me to make things” by ensuring the print process is convenient and reliable.

    A WiFi / octoprint is also a nice to have that changes the experience

    The prusa mini+ checks the boxes, but if you’re leaning in another direction, hopefully the extra commentary helps.