I know people are confused about how fediverse works and how to use it. This is an attempt to compile a list of beginner’s guides made by some amazing people on this topic.

I will update this list if any new guide is made so you can save this post for later. Also, if anyone has any good guide to add post it in the comments and I’ll add it here.

  • thrawn21@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    2 years ago

    So I’m having an issue with accessing the thegarden.land, when I view it directly I see comments on posts, but when I access it at [email protected] through FMHY, I see the same posts but with no comments. Here are images showing my issue.

    I attempted to login to thegarden.land with my username and password for FMHY, but I just get an indefinite spinner and no response. Is this an issue with lemmy, or something I’m doing wrong?

    • tallwookie@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      search for it like so from your home instance (fmhy), while you are logged in on your home instance - you wont be able to log into thegarden.land unless you have an account there.

      my main instance is lemmy.world - subbed here earler today using that same process ;)