We never know the number of undiagnosed, many may be just capable of pretending but suffering.

  • cricket97@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    A lot of people are very… passionate about holding onto the label of normal and the “right” for others to only be referred to as deviation

    Who tf takes pride in being normal? Hell the term “normie” is a derogative term. No one is bragging about how normal they are and I think this is a made up enemy to make pursuing the normalization of “neurodivergence” a more noble goal.

    In reality we have people saying they suffer from “time blindness” and want exceptions to be made because they can’t figure out how to structure their life in a way that allows them to function with the people around them. Everyone has issues, and everyone should figure out ways to minimize how those issues impact their life and the people around them. Instead, we have people submitting to the idea that “I’m neurodivergent there is nothing I can do to improve its just who I am” to excuse their faults.

    • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Often the " bragging about how normal they are" isn’t the way that shakes out. I am thinking more specifically about people who throw tantrums about being called “cis” or “hetero” or “allistic” or even “allosexual” . To a lot of these people they refuse to have any label applied because they figure they should just be assumed the normal and the default and no word should exist that describes their state. To them any descriptive labels are just for “deviations” and being treated on the same footing as a deviation even a little is a threat to the supremacy of normalcy. Often one gets the impression that they want communities of queer or neurotypic people to internally refer to them as “regular people” not so much “normies” as they would probably find that derogatory as well.

      Neurodivergence used as an excuse not to improve is just shitty behaviour. For a lot of us knowing our type of Neurodivergence can open doors to figuring out learning styles or work arounds when the something that should work but doesn’t. On the other hand sometimes someone will try to force something that provably has never worked for you and not have a lot of empathy when you try and warn them that what they are trying to do has a history of not shaking out for you like they expect it will. It’s a two way street. Knowledge of your personal weaknesses and workarounds can be frustrating for other people who see it feom the outside as you not doing what they want because of lack of gumption and willingness to “try” when really you are just very tired trying to do this something for other people have recommended over and over and have developed a boundary to explain that for you it’s a fool’s errand to try again. To the other person they have never seen all the attempts you have made before doing it their way so to them it just looks like lazy.