Metrolinx CEO Phil Verster says he still cannot provide a reliable opening date for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT as new problems are being discovered weekly.

“I had every intention to predict an opening date or series or range of possible opening dates for the Eglinton Crosstown with you today,” Verster told reporters. “But I decided against doing so, based on the fact that CTS is finding and rectifying issues on a week by week basis and that this affects the opening date significantly.”

However Verster said Metrolinx has a “much better schedule” now and will be providing updates on the project every two months going forward.

The update comes as Verster provides a detailed technical assessment of where the project stands. It was supposed to be substantially complete a year ago, but the consortium building the line missed the deadline. The project has been without a new target date for completion since.

The total budget for the project stands at around $12.56 billion now.

  • Cobrachickenwing
    1 year ago

    No date for testing means no date for opening. Major deficiencies must be apparent if Verster can’t give a timeline to start testing in 6 months.