When my stubble grows in, I just have to play with it. When I shave it off, I just have to feel how smooth it is.
It’s maddening and I recognize that people must think I look ridiculous with my hand always stroking my chin.
When my stubble grows in, I just have to play with it. When I shave it off, I just have to feel how smooth it is.
It’s maddening and I recognize that people must think I look ridiculous with my hand always stroking my chin.
I have trichotillomania (hair pulling) but only on my beard/goatee. Your post made me think people must look at me funny too, but I bet they don’t even notice.
Lmao same, feels pretty nice but looks pretty dumb when you’ve removed most of the chin hair and the stache and neck hairs start to get long
Doesn’t really matter as without that or shaving it just looks like the nerdiest neckbeard