Nice work looks like the stain has come up well!
Thanks for posting this - I need to build one of these myself (well really something in between the record displays that @[email protected] posted and this) - I like flipping through my collection, but I want something that looks a little mid-century like this and holds the turntable too.
I made these for my albums. I’d rather be able to stand up and flip through them rather than having to bend over or sit down and slide them out. I think it cost about $40 each for wood and stain. Made three of them. Is $220 reasonable? Seems like a lot
Eh, seems a bit low to me. Assuming you can get mahogany plywood for $60/sheet from a hardwood dealer, that works out to $26/hr with no overhead for any incidental expenses (sandpaper, finish, margin, etc). I would probably charge $350-500
Is there pics? I don’t see anything. That’s what the customer asked for and he even ended up buying a second one to match. Is it a lot? No I don’t think so. If someone is willing to pay then that’s the price. I spent maybe 6 hours on it.
$220 is a great deal for whoever bought it, that looks like it’d cost quite a bit more, and they got it their exact desired dimensions/design/materials. Considering a sheet of mahogany plywood costs $100 out the gate, I think you could easily raise your prices :)
Not sure why it’s not showing up for you, but here’s a link