If only Nazis use violence as you are implying, then the only solution to Nazis violence is submission. We’ve seen exactly how that turns out. Your implication is invalid and baseless.
The way to prevent violence is to stand back and watch as others call for and commit violence?
Inaction to help a persecuted group is siding with the persecutors. You aren’t more intelligent, peaceful or high minded by sitting by, just more tolerant of assholes. Tolerance for others intolerance makes you their ally.
I don’t think people hated nazis because they punched people. There was something else. Was it the hologram? No… hololive? Yes, but no. Holodomor? No, that was another guy. Any chance you remember?
deleted by creator
Ah yes, the classic “framing eliminating human rights for minorities and others as a ‘disagreement’”
Oh, these fuckheads disagree, all right. They disagree that certain people should exist.
Nobody said that
They felt disagreed it. So they defended Nazis.
Lol he deleted it. The fash need to come up with new rhetoric to dupe libs with because this is getting old.
No, just the Nazis. As the image said.
Mayhap do you feel…called out? I wonder why that could be…
Why behave like a nazi? Violence is not the solution.
If only Nazis use violence as you are implying, then the only solution to Nazis violence is submission. We’ve seen exactly how that turns out. Your implication is invalid and baseless.
The way to prevent violence is to stand back and watch as others call for and commit violence?
Inaction to help a persecuted group is siding with the persecutors. You aren’t more intelligent, peaceful or high minded by sitting by, just more tolerant of assholes. Tolerance for others intolerance makes you their ally.
I don’t think people hated nazis because they punched people. There was something else. Was it the hologram? No… hololive? Yes, but no. Holodomor? No, that was another guy. Any chance you remember?
Because they want to kill us
Nazis don’t fight other nazis