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I’m usually a fan of open source games but rarely do they manage to be actually great. People like giving recommendations like Super Tux Kart that haven’t aged well and don’t play well. What are some open source games that are legitimately good that I’ve missed?

My favorites are:

  • Mindustry

  • Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart

  • Powder Toy

  • GZDoom (and all the amazing mods for it)

  • Veloren (even though it’s still in alpha)

    • Pxtl
      1 year ago

      If we’re talking stuff on F-Droid, the big one there for me is UnCiv. It’s an excellent fully-free reimplementation of Civ V… with all the nightmarish one-more-turn-oh-God-is-it-dawn addictive problems that implies. Only real flaw is that by adapting Civ V, it also adapts Civ V’s big flaw: traffic jams. Unciv units neither stack nor combine so waging war in an obstacle-rich landscape is hellishly tedious. Also the higher difficulties feel just abusively random and unfair because the hard-level AIs get free resources, but that’s normal for a Civ game.