As white supremacists from as far as Canada revel in intimidating Sunshine State residents, critics blast DeSantis for his silence

    1 year ago

    I don’t think you need to veer into shitting on people who like or have body modifications. This dude’s a fucking Nazi because he wants to be, not because he has a face tattoo.

    • phoenixz
      1 year ago

      Interesting point, I guess?

      I’m sorry, it may be judgmental, but if I see somebody with face tattoos, it doesn’t say “high intellectual level” to me, especially at the level of this guy. I’m seriously wondering here what face tattoo would say “I’m intelligent”, which one would say “I’m highly educated”, which would say “I’m a reasonable person” and which one would say “I’m not riddled with mental health issues”…

      For the first two: I’m sorry. Do with your body what you wish, put a ring through your ass if you like (that must be fun on the toilet!) I don’t care. But in current society, your face is your calling card. If you have purple hair with 2 nose rings and a bunch of tattoos, don’t complain if you’re not hired to be the face of any organization whatsoever. If you put a tattoo on your face, of all places, you simply make your life a lot harder in practice. How many intellectuals do you know that look like our buddy on the OP article? I don’t know any.

      For the third one: I guess there are Buddhist monks that have facial tattoos? I honestly wouldn’t know, but I’m betting good money that they still don’t look like our slightly mentally deficient buddy upstairs

      For the fourth: Yeeaaaahhh… Unfortunately, people with mental health issues don’t always take the best decisions for themselves. Consequently, a lot of them are homeless (not judging at all here, they need help) a lot of them are addicts (again, not judging, it is what it is) and a lot of them get things like very highly visible body modifications.

      In case of our little asshole up there in the article: Dude, don’t tell me that you think that this guy has even a basic education (he likely doesn’t), let alone is an intellectual, that you think he’s intelligent (oh boy, oh boy, is he not), that you think he’s reasonable (Yeaaaahhh, press X to doubt) or that you think he isn’t riddled with mental health issues (I’m betting good money that he has a list of issues that require professional health to fix)

      I’m sorry, I may be judgemental but if you look like that, you have problems.

        1 year ago

        Both the way you look and the decision to modify any part of your body has no bearing whatsoever on your level of intelligence. Full stop. It’s incredibly irrational to believe so. Just because within your social circle of operation face tattoos are prejudiced against does not mean that you need to continue to perpetuate that bigotry and ignorance.

        Being judgemental aides no one. Given enough scrutiny anyone can appear abnormal or ‘incorrect’ according to societal norms and thus can be unjustly ostracized if people continue to think as you do.

        • phoenixz
          1 year ago

          Just yesterday I saw this girl waitress with “die4u” tattood on her throat of all places.

          I’m sorry, but that does not advertise intelligence or mental stability to me