Click for Alt Text (By pk2317 on AO3)

Image 1

Panel 1
(Green-haired student holding a white slip while touching her nose)
Student: Not it!

Panel 2
Principal (holding GROM box): Alright, next!

Panel 3
Milan (to new student, while Ayzee is walking): This is totally pointless.

Panel 4
Milan: Why do they even bother doing this,

Panel 5
Milan: when no one will get the red draw anyway-

Panel 6
Principal (off-panel): You got the red draw!
(Milan and several other students have shocked faces)

Image 2

Panel 1
(Milan holds a red slip while the principal looks confused)
Principal: Woah, this hasn’t happened for like…

Panel 2
Principal: For like…

Panel 3
Principal: How many fears does Mr. Ironguts have again?

Panel 4
Principal (off-panel): Never mind that, we have our Grom Queen!
(Milan continues to have a shocked face)

Panel 5
(Same panel, but the new student has drawn a blue spell circle and Milan has turned into the “Shocked Pikachu” meme image)

Image 3

Panel 1
(Milan shakes her head to dispel the illusion)

Panel 2
Milan (incredulous): WHAT?! But…how?!

Panel 3
Principal (leading Ayzee away): Come on, let’s have you sign the waiver right away!
Ayzee (bashful): Can you not tell my parents about this?

Panel 4
Principal (exiting the classroom with Ayzee): Well, duh. We don’t wanna get sued.

Panel 5
Milan (worried): Ayzee…

Panel 6
(Milan looks suspiciously at the GROM draw box on the table)

Image 4

Panel 1
(Milan creeps over to the box)

Panel 2
(Milan is peering down into the box)

Panel 3
(Milan sees a box full of slips, including an obvious red slip near the top)

Panel 4
(Milan’s face is drawn like an angry Candace from Phineas and Ferb)
Milan: AYZEE!!!

Panel 5
Milan (turning to yell at the Illusion student): Would you cut it out?!

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Full credit to Makmark/MoringMark. You can find him here.