In a conversation with Mike Solan, the head of the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild, Seattle Police Department officer and SPOG vice president Daniel Auderer minimized the killing of 23-year-old student Jaahnavi Kandula by police officer Kevin Dave and joked that she had “limited value” as a “regular person” who was only 26 years old.
In fact, as we reported exclusively, Dave was driving 74 miles an hour in a 25 mile per hour zone and struck Kandula while she was attempting to cross the street in a marked and well-lighted crosswalk.
You really can’t think of anything.
There have been solutions proposed to tighten gun restrictions or just simply to reduce the issue for decades.
There are examples of entire countries where this shit already works.
Honestly at this point saying just “how” is uninformed or disingenuous.
I’m all for licensing and registration, that isn’t however reducing the total number.
Yes, in general much smaller countries with a much different culture and the fun one, fascistic countries.
It isn’t, there isn’t a workable solution proposed at the moment, it’s insanely complex and simply saying “maybe fewer” is the answer is uninformed or disingenuous.