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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/kaspersaif on 2023-09-07 20:47:16.

I was long hauler since March 2020 and I have never had PEM, muscle joint pain and fatigue.

I had all other symptoms like pots palpitations low grade fever tinnitus visual snow brain fog etc. What’s weird is that only 2 months ago I started having a crashing fatigue and pain in my muscles that I never experienced in my life and whilt my mind-set was hoping to recover from symptoms I had left I’m now afraid that I’ll just have cfs for the rest of my life.

I was able to work from home. But now I took 15 days sick leave to understand what’s going on with me. (I said it might be a rienfection but I did 2 pcr tests were negative)

Anyone relates ? I really don’t understand this disease patterns it has become so random.