You take the brutalist, mechanical efficiency of Factorio, combine it with the glorious destruction of Teardown, and add maybe a hint of comedy and catastrophic glee from Kerbal Space Program, and you get Abriss, an amazing new building game just launched on Steam. With high levels of detail, individually modelled bricks, blocks, and building sections, and a frankly fetishistic focus on the intricacies of blowing up stuff, according to Abriss’s developers, its 1.0 release represents your “GPU’s most feared day.” Destruction so meticulous it might melt my PC? Sign me up.

Steam Link

    1 year ago

    It’s classic game journalism. Game has a little difficulty? It’s like Dark Souls! Game has a farming and fishing mechanic? Stardew Valley players, this is the game for you! The game has a modular building system? It’s like Minecraft, Terraria, Factorio, Satisfactory, and Kerbal Space Program!

    The game looks fine, I don’t think the game is advertising itself as Factorio-like, I think whoever wrote this article just needed a clickbait headline. I’ve seen this game around on Steam, and it knows exactly what it is and what it wants to be. Not my niche personally, but it looks alright.