Seriously this is a lot of fun. It is absolutely a Bethesda game through and through. Not sure what people were expecting. I’m glad it’s not like No Man’s Sky because that game bored the shit out of me almost immediately.


    2 years ago

    I’m like 30+ hours in and it’s all I’m thinking about at work rn. That doesn’t always happen, few games hook me like that. Halo 2/3 from MS/HS, probably Skyrim to an extent, ESO (forever and always apparently, cause I’m still playing that amongst Starfield), and now this. And it’s all aspects. I want to build my ship, I want to do my outposts and crafting, I want to explore planets to find needed resources, gear, and weapons, I want to finish the main story, and the side quests (and I’m actually agonizing over which side I want to go with). Menus are weird, but it barely detracts. If anything it helps me get where I need to go quickly, the travel to objective feature is awesome for someone like me who couldn’t find New Atlantis at one point because I forgot which system it was in.

    I’m debating bringing my Xbox with me to a friend’s house for a weekend trip so we can play there.

    I’m definitely bringing it, who am I kidding?