Yesterday, I shared some spicy takes. A few were particularly controversial—most notably, that I correct Gif the correct way (with a soft G)—but I also got a lot of emails asking me to elaborate on a few of them.
Today, I wanted to talk about how tabs are objectively better than spaces. This won’t take long.
Tabs let you define how big you want each indent to be, and spaces do not.
(lol lemmy bug found, can’t write the actual “left angled bracket - left angled bracket” syntax, it somehow truncates the comment)
OTOH if you use a modern auto-formattable language, then you can auto-format to tabs with a git hook or IDE plugin (and back for committing) if you want, so the debate doesn’t matter in that case. It goes both ways.
It’s not wrong to work with modern languages, but don’t pretend that you have the answer to the debate if you don’t work in a field where it applies.
Linting bash/perl is a TERRIBLE idea. Consider the following, extremely common piece of code (perl has equivalent syntax as well):
#!/bin/bash cat > testfile < < EOF test1 test2 EOF
(lol lemmy bug found, can’t write the actual “left angled bracket - left angled bracket” syntax, it somehow truncates the comment)
OTOH if you use a modern auto-formattable language, then you can auto-format to tabs with a git hook or IDE plugin (and back for committing) if you want, so the debate doesn’t matter in that case. It goes both ways.