Today, we are launching Voyagers, our eleventh community expedition for No Man’s Sky. Voyagers is a relaxing journey of exploration, encouraging Travellers to seek out remarkable worlds, reach planetary summits and oceanbeds, and catalogue their findings.

Travellers will begin the expedition aboard their freighter in the Oishida system, ready to deploy their ship into space. Plot a route through the stars to discover exotic creatures, venture to extreme worlds, excavate ancient treasures, dive through a black hole, and much more!

After completing Voyagers, or when the expedition concludes, you will have the option to convert your progress to a Normal Mode save.

The exclusive rewards detailed below are registered at the Space Anomaly’s Quicksilver Synthesis Companion, and any earnt rewards may be redeemed across all save games.

The Voyagers expedition begins today, and will run for approximately two months.