Android - Lemmy
lemmy.mlGeneral discussions about the entire Android ecosystem. Related Communities:
- [email protected] [https://lemmy.ml/c/aosp] - [email protected]
[https://lemmy.ml/c/androidapps] - [email protected]
[https://lemmy.ml/c/grapheneos] Rules: ::: spoiler spoiler 0. Use common sense.
1. No piracy. Period. Don’t care about your beliefs. 2. No gray-area or illegal
exploitation such as bypassing Google FRP, permanently locked bootloader,
rooting un-rootable devices, bypassing lockscreen, etc. 3. No sharing APKs or
related executable software. See rule 4 for more details. 4. If APKs are shared,
they must be done from well-known sources such as GitHub, Google Play, and
F-Droid. No direct downloads or sketchy file sharing websites. This does not
mean advertise your software here. Do so in the [email protected]
[https://lemmy.ml/c/androidapps] community. 5. No Android v. iPhone discussions.
We also do not tolerate slander or bashing of both devices and their respective
ecosystems. 6. No shilling. We will call you out on it and take action. You can
calmly and respectfully make suggestions, even to other devices or ecosystems
like iPhone. Nothing more than that. 7. No discussion/promotion of controversial
or scam custom OS’s or companies such as CalyxOS (Calyx Institute), PureOS
(Purism), etc. 8. No discussion/promotion of controversial or scam devices such
as Librem (Purism), Freedom Phone, etc. 9. No discussions of devices or software
that deviate or mismarket themselves from Android such as PinePhone, Librem,
Ubuntu Touch, etc. These are not Android devices and are not in any way related
to Android. 10. No custom OS promotions. Discussions about known OS’s are okay
such as GrapheneOS, ProtonAOSP, etc. Though these discussions would be better in
[email protected] [https://lemmy.ml/c/aosp]. 11. No politics. These rules are
subject to change at any point in time with or without user notice. :::
Would like to please request mod status on [email protected]
Link to comment https://lemmy.ml/post/84266
Thank you for your time.
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