So I am an Atheist and I find a lot of joy in going through ritual motions. It is comforting and it does de-stress to sort of “pray” to an altar that I built. Logically it has no purpose other than to scare away proselytizers and be a neat conversation piece, but it is my favorite aspect of new age witch and pagan cultures.
Similarly, occult practices from those cultures and those found in things like Kabbalah or Chaos Magick are good for simple goal manifestation. I know in Chaos Magick, the idea is to set in motion the intention of whatever goal you have and that will increase the odds of it happening, but one must still work to achieve the goal. You cannot simply cast a spell for more money you must also be working towards a promotion. That idea paralleled with an idea in Atomic Habits for this kind of manifestation. It claimed that saying out loud daily what your goal was increased the chances of you actually doing the work to achieve the goal.
I wrote more about it at my blog, but I’m interested in what other people find interesting in other spaces.