On Friday, we sent out a message asking supporters to sign up to organize proportional representation door hanger campaigns in their ridings.

The response has been overwhelming. 240 organizers have stepped forward in less than 48 hours. With over 1200 volunteers willing to deliver - and the list just keeps growing!

Friends, to send each of these wonderful volunteer organizers just 1000 door hangers each would cost Fair Vote Canada $40,000.

  • SirDankbud
    4 days ago

    Thanks OP, I’m all signed up! I haven’t volunteered with these guys since the failed Ontario vote for PR many years ago. Good to see they’re still trying, sad to see they haven’t succeeded. Hopefully it has more success in the modern day.

    In advance I would like to warn any young folks in the crowd that the media will aggressively fight any shift to PR by purposely misinforming and generally confusing people about how it works. They have to do this because any form of proportional representation will harm the profits of their corporate overlords. You can combat this by educating yourself on the subject and eagerly explaining to any friends or family who will listen. Pretty much the whole modern world except for Canada and USA use some form of proportional representation.

    • AlolanVulpixOPM
      4 days ago

      Cheers! And PR is coming - we are just in the growth phase!

      Oh yes, the corporate overlords really don’t like PR. But we aren’t doing it to spite them, we are doing it because Canada is fair and just, and so is PR!